Version 1.4.5249.0

Release date: 7th February, 2023

The focus of this release is on adding data export capabilities and improving the application functions and behavior. This includes: 

  • A Commitment log that includes predecessors can be exported from the Reports tab.
  • The plan and subscription IDs have been added to the export for Power BI multi-plan reporting.
  • The interactive manual has been updated and is accessed from the Sign in screen and the About dialog.
  • The tabs for online and local plans have been re-ordered.


  • The email that is sent to new users when added to a plan has been repaired.
  • Setting a date limit on lanes is now functioning properly.
  • A local plan will now show in Recent Files after close and re-open.
  • Incorrect delete icon behaviour on connectors has been fixed.
  • Intermittent application failure on opening plans has been resolved.
  • Removed the zeros populating a constraint when an activity is not defined. 

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Updated: February 10th, 2023