Can I use a different projector with my Nureva® Wall?

Nureva® Wall WM408i

You cannot use a different projector with the Nureva Wall and keep the same built-in functionality as the projector included with the system. Below is a list of functions that will be lost if the system projector is replaced with one of a different brand.

Serial communication (RS232) between the touch panel and the projector

The touch panel will not be able to communicate with the new projector as it's intended to. Without this communication, the following functions will be lost:

  • Matching – it will not be possible to match or pair systems for continual touch with dual systems
  • Image alignment – image alignment will be poor without the built-in geometric correction tools from the original projector
  • Calibration – it will not be possible to calibrate touch accuracy

Control module functions

  • The power button to turn the system on and off will not work. Therefore the LED on the power button will remain red.
  • Motion detection will not work. This feature is power-saving and will not function.
  • There will be no built-in support for Nureva Wall dual or triple configurations

Nureva Room Manager

  • A warning badge will remain in the Nureva Room Manager, advising the user that there is an issue with the configuration setup
  • It will not be possible to retrieve product information, health, stats or versioning through Nureva Room Manager
  • Nureva Room Manager will not send notifications for product updates

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Updated: November 30th, 2022