Can I use the DisplayLink® (USB-C) video port with Nureva® Wall?

Nureva® Wall WM408i

No. DisplayLink USB graphics technology is designed to connect computers to displays, composed of a virtual graphics card (VGC) software installed natively on a PC, along with a hardware rendering engine (HRE) embedded to a display device. The DisplayLink VGC software compresses video data to the display over the USB standard, leveraging the PC’s CPU and not the BUS-level video command on the video card.

This type of video processing often strips away device identification information, such as the projector extended display identification data (EDID). This loss of data can adversely affect Nureva Wall performance, causing either Nureva Room Manager's "Matchingto freeze, which requires the unique Nureva projector identification, or affecting the projector video sync, causing excessive flickering. 

We do not recommend DisplayLink (USB-C) for PC video inputs when installing a Nureva Wall system.

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Updated: November 30th, 2022